
Excel Women's Conference 2024

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This year, our heart’s desire for the conference is to equip each woman to March on, Oh My Soul, in Courage in every aspect of life—whether at home, in the workplace, within our neighborhoods, or even at the grocery store. We are praying that the Holy Spirit softens the hearts of the ladies attending, so they may fully receive the Word that He has entrusted to our guest speaker, Debbie Stuart, for the weekend of September 27-28.

Debbie Stuart

Debbie serves as Women’s Minister at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.

She previously served as Vice President at Hope for the Heart and is a certified Life and Ministry Coach through AACC. She has served in Women’s Ministry for almost three decades, and has a wealth of ministry and leadership experience. She has served as Director of Church and Leadership Development for Women of Faith, and as Director of Women’s Ministry at Prestonwood Baptist church tor 10 years and Willow Point Baptist Church for 10 years. She has been a LifeWay Christian Resources Ministry Trainer/Consultant for 17 years and writer for various ministries including WomensMinistryTools.org.

Debbie is the author of 20 Minutes a Day for the rest of Your Life and the sequel 20 Lessons Learned from 20 Minutes a Day as well as a Bible Study journal (available on EBAY). She is an international conference/retreat speaker and Bible teacher. She received the Legends Award in 2017. she is the 2015 recipient of the Woman of the Word” Award from Salem Communication as well as the 2011 receipient of the “Shining Star Award, recognizing Outstanding Women in Leadership.

She has been married to John Mark for 40 years. She has 2 grown children. Jarrad and Haley, and has 4 grandchildren.

She can be reached at Green Acres Baptist Church. Email: debbies@gabc.mail.org

Debbie’s life verse is Luke 1:5 – “Blessed is she who believes what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.”