Calvary Baptist Church has been a part of the community of Nacogdoches since 1959. We are a church that was started out of a need to move the Gospel of Jesus Christ forward, and we continue to strive for that forward movement to this day.

Our Vision
To develop and empower Christ-centered followers, equipping them to impact the Family, the Church, and the Community for the sake of the Gospel.

Our Mission
For the Family - For the Church - For the Community
Calvary Baptist Church rests its faith on the words contained within the Holy Scripture. We believe each word to be truthful and profitable for our lives.
Calvary Baptist Church is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, and we align ourselves with the Statement of faith as contained in the Baptist Faith and Message.
Locally, we are a part of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention and the Shelby-Doches Baptist Association.